Rental Information
Bring your special event to Wakefield's oldest home to make the occasion unforgettable!
The Hartshorne House is a popular location for weddings, anniversaries, retirement parties, showers, etc., and is rented at extremely reasonable rates. The income from the fees goes directly toward the upkeep and maintenance of the House.
Rental fees:*
Monday through Thursday - $150 for a four-hour rental
Friday through Sunday - $200 for a four-hour rental
Weddings - $500 for a ten-hour rental
*Life/Gold Members of the Hartshorne House Association receive a 25% discount on Rental Fees.
**Veterans Discount: 15%
To make rental arrangements, please first contact the House Residents by calling 781-245-3935 to ascertain availability. Leave a message on that line and your call will be promptly returned. For other questions, send us an email.
More specific information on rentals, see below. To download a rental contract, click here.
*Functions held in the house should be for no more than 50 people, but up to 80 can be accommodated outside in the lovely gardens with the rental of a tent or canopy.
To view the floor plan, click here. The Hartshorne House offers four rooms. Room Dimensions:
East Parlor - 15 x 13 feet
Cowdrey (Central) Room - 13 x 16 Feet
1681 (West) Room - 8 x 17 feet
Summer Kitchen - 10 x 14 feet.
Information for Renters
Location and Contact Number: Col. James Hartshorne House, 41 Church Street, Wakefield, MA 01880, 781-245-3935. Our caretakers can answer specific questions about your needs. .
Rental guests will have access to the grounds and the first floor. A refrigerator and sink are available in the basement.
Rentals include: 25 folding chairs, four eight-foot tables, two 100-cup coffee pots, one 50-cup tea pot (for heating water only.)
By renting the house, you agree to the following rules:
There is absolutely NO SMOKING or OPEN FLAME allowed in the house. In addition, no cigarettes or smoking materials allowed within 25 feet of the historic structure.
The renter must clean up and TAKE all trash generated from the party. (Do not deposit trash in town-owned barrels at the ball fields.)
Please be certain to have the proper receptacles OUTSIDE for any smokers to dispose of their cigarette butts. Please clean up and take with you any butts on the ground, etc. (Do not permit guest to discard cigarettes in plants, gardens or on patio areas.)
The renter may only rearrange furniture with the approval of the caretakers. Furnishings must be replaced in their original positions at the conclusion of the event. Under no circumstances may the furniture be dragged.
No tape, tacks, nails, etc... can be used for decorations. Please, no umbrellas with confetti.
No fire pits are allowed on the Hartshorne House property.
Please do not park or block the entrance to the driveway.
Children must be attended to at all times. Remember that the street outside is a busy one with a great deal of traffic; remember that the Hartshorne House is the home to many fragile objects.
If the event is to be catered, the caterer must call and speak with our caretakers prior to the date of the event to confirm arrangements.
If a rental company is being utilized, they must call and speak with our caretakers prior to the date of the event to confirm drop-off, set-up and retrieval time.
Renters must adhere to time allotted and agreed upon. Caretakers may charge up to a $100 overtime fee if the event goes beyeond set time.
***The Hartshorne House is not available for rentals on major holidays: Christmas, New Years, Thanksgiving, Easter and the Fourth of July.