Located on the shores of beautiful Lake Quannapowitt in Wakefield, MA, the colonial period home was built in 1681 and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The house has had a long and interesting history, and is owned by the Town of Wakefield, but managed by the Colonel James Hartshorne House Association and a Board of Directors.
Wakefield's publicly owned historic house has been the setting of many happy events over the years, and is available for rental for weddings, showers, reunions, meetings, and other small gatherings. These rentals are the source of income for the preservation of the house and are very important to its maintenance.
We invite you to explore this site, finding information on rentals, events and history, and getting to know us. Visit the "News" page for information about events. Information about membership and donations will also be found through the menu above.. Please contact us for more information!